Sunday, December 2, 2007

First blog!

Well, I decided to try blogging.... We will see how it goes!

We have a Christmas tree now- for the first time in years, because we are always in FL for Christmas, and the kids love it. We decorated it the other night, with me doing the top, Hannah the middle and Holden the bottom. It makes me smile every time I walk by it! I am about to go get crafty in the office- maybe scrap, maybe make an advent calendar ( I know, it is the 2nd, but better late than never!), maybe wrap some presents!!! I will try to add some pictures later..... see you at my 2nd post!!!


gimmegodiva said...

hi mom . your right! it is your first blog. and i did do the middle of the tree! love, hannah s. ps. great job with the blog i really liked it . good luck, like you need it! love ya!

gimmegodiva said...

hi mom love it just thought you would like a boost.

melita said...

great blog Carol! Glad to see you entered this adventure as well ;)

Shelley Burkett said...

Hey, Carol!

Welcome to blogland :)

CyndiAKADisneyqueen said...

Great blog Carol.