Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am a harmonizer!

I found this through Virginia's blog... I love these types of tests! I think it is right on for the most part!

General Description
As a Harmonizer, you excel at promoting harmony and cooperation within a family.Your natural instincts are to help and support others in carrying out tasks and building cooperation in the process.

Typical Areas of Strength
Harmonizers, like you, foster a cooperative atmosphere by seeking ways to help, carrying out duties, completing tasks, and encouraging others in practical, tangible ways. You relate well to others and excel as mediators and at conveying care and compassion.

Typical Areas of Struggle
You may sometimes compromise principles or convictions in order to maintain harmony or preserve a relationship. You have a tendency to vacillate, resist change, or be too naive or passive in certain situations.

Your Preferred Activities
Because you demonstrate superior people skills, you are well suited to promote interaction with individuals or small groups of people that need your help.

Your Communication Style
You communicate by being a good listener, offering helpful words of encouragement, and performing thoughtful acts of kindness.

Check it out here!
View my Career Direct personality profile

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