Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine's Day....etc.etc....

I know Valentine's Day was last week, but I am just now posting about it. Hannah cooked dinner.... baked scallops, steamed mussels, veggies, and Chocolate mousse!! She watches food network a lot, and loves cookbooks and all things food related. She even asked for a food processor for her birthday! But here are some pics...
Not much else has been going on. I am hanging on at Godiva for a little while longer- our trip to the dentist showed that one of Hannah's teeth is coming in sideways..... she may need surgery, or it could be as simple as pulling a baby tooth to make room for it to fall into place... I am praying for that option. So until we know what is going on, Dental insurance is needed!!
I spent an hour in Holden's class on Valentine's day... It was so great! Both of my kids are great ( don't mind me while I brag...) They have taken some tests at school, and both have exceeded expectations, and tested above their grade level. OK, I am done bragging. But they are great, fun, sweet brilliant kids!!!
Have a super day! Off to find something for dinner!

Oh- notice the shirt I am wearing in the pic of us at the table..... Jason got it for me for Valentine's day!!!! You know what those numbers are, right??!!


Lisa said...

nope - i don't know - what are those numbers? winning lottery ticket or something? now i'm really curious!

Love the pictures - ya'll had a happy valentines huh? so sweet. and Hannah cooking blows me away - i couldn't do that at her age, didn't even want to. your kids are wonderful!!!

Jeremy Conner said...

Are those prime numbers?

I suck at math, so...I also had no idea you had a blog out there!

Anyways, on to the real point of this comment...when can Hannah come over and just "hang out" at our house? We have a food processor that is just waiting for someone to mess with it...she could scallop all sorts of stuff, and I could help with the eating part!

Jeremy Conner said...

Actually scratch that, they are not prime numbers...hmm, let me think...

Jeremy Conner said...

Wait...does it have something to do with that awful show LOST? Aren't those like the numbers tatooed on Hurley's butt or something?

Anonymous said...

Boy, tell Hannah she can come cook for me. What are those numbers?


Andy said...

love the shirt. i want one too. wasn't last nights episode great.

alli said...

jeremy conner just got nerd points.

I LOVE YOUR SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!

I stay impressed with your kiddos. They always make me smile big.

We just got over the stomach bug over here. Ya think we could hang out soon? I don't know when.

I'll be praying for the teeth thing for sweet Hannah. Keep me updated.