Monday, June 1, 2009

Some pics from the past couple of months!

The Easter Bunny cake! I always made this as a kid-- now I make it with my kids. They love to decorate it! They went for brown this year.... This picture is from the late 80's early 90's. Should I be bothered that my hair is just about the same now, except for the perm??
Jenny came to see me while I was in Orlando. Didn't get a dry picture!

Excited about this!! Have to go back next year!
I made a new friend at Universal....
Leah came to see too!!
My Mother's day cupcakes!

I got new flipflops for my birthday!

Ok- I think that is enough for now!! Hope you are having a great week. Everyday seems like the weekend for me now that the kids are out of school!


Jamie and Joy George said...

scrolling down, I like the two bottom pic's - it makes it look like you're a puppet and you have no body!! :)

Gretchen said...

yeah, my hair has been the same since like 10th grade!