Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The start of my day....

I am subbing in a first grade class. My day starts with a boy saying "I think I need to go home. I just pooped my pants." UUMMM yeah... go to the office. Then after I take roll, a boy throws up. At least he made it to the garbage can. My day can only get better! I hope....

I am going to Scrap Etc. after school, so I am looking forward to that!! And it is Hannah's night for her birthday dinner ( her birthday is Friday, but we have soccer practice - did you know I am now officially a soccer mom?!- Thursday, then Hannah's party on Friday) So I have BoneFish Grill to look forward too, and LOST is on tonight..... my day IS looking much better!!!

1 comment:

Just call me "B" said...

Hope your day picked up, girlie!