I can not remember a time when I was as busy as I was this past weekend ( Wed- Sun.), and there are some ladies who worked longer hours than me.... well a lot.... but I am not used to getting up at6:45 and not going to bed till after midnight, or after 2 in some cases!!! I was so sleepy, that on Sat., the last full day, I turned the lights on during a slideshow during class ( sorry Wilna and group A!) , zoned out when someone was talking to me ( sorry Andrea!), and totally didn't even move when some one tossed a gluestick to me, and just let it hit the wall ( sorry Molly!) I think I felt better after I walked around and had some caffeine! But we made it.... the attendees seemed to enjoy it, and really liked getting to know the other volunteers better. Friends are great!! The store had some awesome things in it, the teachers were fabulous, and nights at The Irish Pub and Nashville Palace won't be forgotten!!! Belmont B won't be forgotten either! Or the wonderful ladies from 12 Fridays!!! Heidi and Heather are so funny, so real... I told them they should move to Birmingham so we can hang out, but I won't hold my breath!!!!
I have a few pictures, but not near enough, so when I borrow some from other people, I will share!!!
I roomed with Lisa, Tracey, Carrie, and Nubia the first night ( and discovered my air mattress has a slow leak...), then the second night we were able to split up (THANK YOU LUCY!!!! She got us another room!) And we did the splitting by temperature preferences! The "cold room " had Tracy, Nubia, Carrie and Adrienne in it, and the "warm room" had me, Lisa and Morgan in it.
I napped for a while on the way home, but then enjoyed conversation with Lisa and Nubia. We are planning to get together sometime... to scrap, or to just hang out!
OK... off to study for the PRAXIS, and/ or load the dish washer..... neither are my favorite things!!!!